When Things Happen, Ask To Be Shown Your “Why”
As we enter into the month of October, the leaves are starting to change color, the air has a little crispness to it and the days are getting shorter. While I am not a big fan of the cold weather in the winter, fall has such beauty that I find heartwarming like when I think of warm apple pie and pumpkin treats.
With each change of season, I find myself contemplating a shift within, assessing where I am and where I want to be and how do I get there? Growth comes in all different ways…
I would like to share a growth experience of mine with you because of a physical injury that happened to me recently, hoping that the perspective of seeking the wisdom it brought can help you too! Sometimes understanding the why of a situation, makes the frustration of it a little easier.
This spring and summer for me involved rebuilding strength after a physical injury that occurred while I was exercising (to be healthy, so I thought!!). Nothing like this had ever happened to me before and of course, I wondered why this? All the normal reactions crept in my mind, being human. Is it my “age”, is it the wrong exercise, why so much pain etc. I wanted answers and wanted them right away. Answers come when they are supposed to come.
This is why I wrote to my angels and guides to ask them to please help explain the lesson I am supposed to learn from this experience. My firm belief is that nothing happens by accident; there is always an opportunity to learn something from what happens in our life.
So I wrote, Dear Angels and Guides, what am I supposed to learn from my leg injury/pain? This was their response..(in italic font)
Dear Cheryl, We are glad that you are willing to learn the wisdom of this pain. You have come to a portion of your journey that requires discerning for yourself your roll in moving forward. The learning lesson of your physical pain is to go in and determine the stress on yourself about getting everything done. Lesson the load, so to speak. (Being forced to slow down and rethink my options and goals was the biggest part of the lessons because I was forced to slow down. Slowing down and listening to my body and what it needs has told me that I am too hard on myself.)
Your muscles and nerve pain have gotten your attn to help you practice your affirmations, using the right positive words about healing. Many things have come from this..your awareness to compassion has been heightened, including compassion for yourself. Self care is the best.
Your curiosity has served you well again, dear one!!!
Two very interesting visitors came along at different times within a month or so to bring their healing energy. Here are my two visitors that clearly got my attention because of their uniqueness. I looked them up by searching/googling their Native American significance/interpretation. I read what it says then apply those principles to my situation and my life with my own intuition.
1.The Centipede
One day I was going to rest my leg and watch tv. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something move on the floor. It was the strangest thing. When I looked down, there crawling on the carpet was a centipede!!! And I live on the 2nd floor!!! First I was in shock!! What are the chances??? Then I figured I needed to get rid of it as fast as I could before it crawled somewhere where I couldn’t reach it. Anyway, after it was gone, I didn’t give it another thought. UNTIL….
Something triggered a memory in an Aboriginal Healing book that I had read recently about an animal showing up to help someone going through a healing process. And in the book the appearance of that animal (spider) had a specific positive message for the person and caused no harm! So I looked up the spiritual significance of the centipede.. Here is what it said and it couldn’t have been more fitting and affirming for my situation! So I was grateful for it’s arrival and short stay. It certainly got my attention!!
Centipede is symbolized for courage, sacrifice, energy, wisdom, and healing. Symbolically, they may be seen by some cultures as symbols of leaders and warriors.
2. The Wisdom of The Owl
Just a few weeks ago, I was woken up in the middle of the night by an owl screeching in a tree in my back yard. Never, ever have I heard that anywhere near my house and I don’t live in the woods. When I heard the noise, it took me a while to figure out what it was; then I smiled and thought to myself that in the morning, I needed to look up the Native American significance of an owl. Other people might have been aggravated by its noise in the middle of the night, but I thanked the universe for sending this messenger with a positive message for me. Here is the message I found..
For most people, an owl is a symbol of wisdom and knowledge. It represents knowledge and mental transformation. Also, it's a symbol of a new beginning and transformation. An owl is a reminder that you may start a new chapter in your life with sharing knowledge or wisdom.
I still practice positive affirmations everyday and Reiki, just because it is good for the soul!!!
Sorry this is long…
So my friends,
Ask To Be Shown Your “Why”…Then be open to what shows up!! It Might Surprise you how you get your Answers!!!
Wishing you blessings,