Awakening to The Start of Something New
The other day I was sitting with my pen and journal and the concept of Awakening got my attention. This is an interesting time of year as the hydrangeas and summer flowers go to sleep, the mums and pumpkins become awakened to show us their beauty.
To me, Awakening means how a very significant, random experience can create a life altering shift in perspective,(Awakening) in a good way. It can start you on a mission or a sort of spiritual quest, if you will. When something great happens to me that brings about incredible understanding, wisdom and insight, it motivates to search for the next incredible or AHA moment. The number of times I have encountered an AHA moment over the last 25 years while asking questions and writing to Angels/Heaven is immeasurable! That is why I am motivated to share my experiences in understanding life and assist with ways to help you do the same. I certainly don't have all the answers; but the questions are always worthy of asking the Angels and guides!
Gaining my written channeled messages from these loving spiritual beings for so many years has lead me to so many other learning experiences like.. meeting new people and connecting with books, classes and trainings that have enhanced my life. Once the experience or the attention-getter peaks your interest/curiosity, then the fun begins. This overwhelming curiosity in tandem with gaining understanding of how the universe works brings about miracles and opens new doors. Let me give you examples….
After learning how to gain written channeled messages from Angles, it lead next to getting messages from Heaven. From there the opportunity presented itself to learn Reiki for myself and then I trained to provide Reiki for others, as well as train new practitioners. As we progress on our spiritual journey, your guides/angels present to you what you are ready for next, if you choose to pursue the next step.
Are you ready to learn more about who you are and why you are here?
I have scheduled some upcoming classes (See below) to explain in general what a Spiritual Communicator is so that you may consider if this is for you. Then there are some classes scheduled in November and January if you would like to learn the technique to gain access to the messages your angels have for you. It will amaze you how easy and powerful gaining these messages can be to answer your own life questions.
If any of these classes interest you, please go to the Schedule page to sign up or please contact me at
Blessings and enjoy the season,
Sun. Nov. 13th Conversations With An Angel Communicator
Chiropractic Wellness Ctr, Andover, MA 1:00-3:00 pm
Fri. Nov. 18th How To Communicate with Your Angels
Lotus Yoga Mindfulness, Georgetown, MA 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Sun. Dec. 8th How To Communicate with Your Angels
Chiropractic Wellness Ctr., Andover, MA 1:00 - 3:00 pm