Words from Mother Mary
Dear Mother Mary,
I come to you for guidance and inspiration about our world. What can you please share?
Good morning, Cheryl,
This is Mother Mary and I have chosen to come through to you today for several reasons. It is my wish to bring forth messages for your website and to print in articles as well. There is much to say about all that you are experiencing in your world.
My connection with you is a special one for example when I am the source of your focus in times of anguish, like in the dentist’s chair and as a divine feminine source. My connection to you through your third eye as a loving mother (much like your own) wraps around you an abundance of love and well-being. Explain that in your article with the additional dialogue that I will impart within you.
The evolution of mankind is evolving which is something that needs to happen every so often. Please pray for those leaving your physical world, but know that God is proud of them for completing their soul’s mission. They are all blessed and welcomed into Heaven with joy. Please share that with the family and friends of those called back Home and they are also under a blanket of love, comfort and protection as they grieve for their loved ones. Please also remind all that God’s plan is to be trusted fully; which we understand is not humanly easy at this time. Trust is paramount with regard to navigating through the daily routine.
Helping others and trusting is what is being asked of humanity right now. The energy of kindness from the heart takes all focus away from fear. Fear is not your friend at times like this because it clouds creativity and motivation to help others. Supporting the needs of physical, emotional and spiritual means can never be too small to make an impact. Please take this awareness and attitude to heart.
Kindness, not always money, makes a huge impact to someone’s well-being. Please keep prayer in whatever positive loving style you choose part of a daily practice. The energy of it gets expanded a thousand fold when it goes out into the universe and acted upon by angels for the absolute highest good of all.
My children, you are blessed as a child of God with a unique purpose and mission to contribute to the universe for making Heaven on Earth. Please don’t feel that if you aren’t solving world peace that you aren’t contributing—this is not a true statement to make within your heart. Setting an example of kindness and positive, faithful thoughts are extremely energy altering and encourage love.
For now, love yourself enough to value your health and that love will have a ripple affect outward towards others….
Until next time…I bless your hearts, my children,
Love from Mother Mary
Thank you!