A Little Introduction of Myself As An Angel Communicator

Inspirational Thinking …

Hello, my name is Cheryl Davey and you are receiving this email because you have touched my life in some significant way. In the few minutes it takes from your busy schedule to read this, you will have done something very special for your self. This is a very different kind of email, so I would ask you to open your mind to what may sound unusual to you… or not!! Perhaps this could be an answer to a prayer. 

Many of you know that I do a form of writing where I get messages from angels…. For those of you who aren’t familiar with what an angel writing is, please let me explain.  Sitting in quiet space, I say a quick prayer for the best message for myself/someone else. I write out the question or topic in my journal and take a couple of deep breaths. Within a few seconds, the divinely guided words/angelic response/message comes through like a gentle thought in my mind. This is when I proceed to write it down in my journal, almost like a form of dictation. What the angels provide is always a loving, positive, inspirational communication as their response. This type of response is called automatic spiritual writing. Yes, you can even google it! I discovered this method over 12 years ago through reading books about angels.

Due to my faith and curiosity over this long period of time, I have experienced writing hundreds of glorious messages about life’s issues from many angels and archangels.

The ultimate source of these messages is from God and because of this…. never have I ever experienced anything negative, angry, fearful or dark. I always ask for the message that God wants me to receive. The angels are the messengers.

Doing these writings for my family, friends, and me has brought so much joy that I want to spread the word that this process is something that everyone is capable of doing. Below is a sample writing that I would like to share that was specifically written for your benefit to demonstrate what an angel’s message sounds like. I sincerely hope that a few of these words will help you with your day or with a perspective that makes your life just a little bit easier….

Good Evening, Cheryl,

We are completely overjoyed with your efforts to introduce us to a brand new audience. These messages that you will be providing will be a gateway into understanding our unconditional love and support for all of you.

There is much we want to speak of in these next newsletters. We feel it is time for explaining our mission as the guardians of all human kind. There are but a few simple concepts to bear in mind about us. WE are messengers from God who provide loving support, inspiration, guidance, strength, courage and comfort when asked. Our most important message for today is to Never fear—you are Always loved and are Never alone. Love, from your Angel friends

Thank you.

July 2020 Update

This post goes back 22 years. This technique has evolved to now allow me to access messages from not only angels, archangels, but also from spirit guides, ascended masters, deities and those in Heaven.


There Are NO Such Things As Coincidences.. It was Divine Intervention!