Always Be Curious..

Being curious leads to personal growth and a shift in perspective…

As we transition into a new season, I find that the older I get, the more curious I become. When I started this Automatic Spiritual Writing Practice (Spiritual form of dictation, I call it) over 23 years ago, I would start with a written question to my angels and guides. When I would get a response which would always provide fascinating insight, the message would inspire me but also create more questions. It is sort of like following “Bread crumbs”! One principle leads to another and another! Step by step, wisdom gets built upon. It is such a gift to gain wisdom that shifts our perspective in such an uplifting and positive way.

Realizing that there were no questions off limits with the angels and guides that came through, I would many times just ask age old questions that would satisfy my curiosity for the moment, but also create an opportunity to learn about a new perspective.

Like for example, “Why are we here? “You are in a temporary human form for the purpose of your soul’s growth,” they would say. When I asked, “How does that happen?” The response would be, “By experiencing and learning from different emotions and finding peace and love within and for each other.” I would sit with that for a while until I felt I wanted to learn more. The interesting thing is.. Angels and guides don’t think like humans do because of their high vibration and their lack of need for anything of a physical nature. While they got a kick out of my constant questions, we not only developed a deep connection, but a mutual sense of trust with each other!

Based on my level of understanding, they would spoon feed me just enough information to satisfy my curiosity for the moment. Again, curiosity brings inspiration!! There are times when I experience a stressful situation, where I ask them for guidance. Angels and guides are always willing to share with me the perspective to navigate the circumstances with the right insight to give me strength and understanding. (And I thank God every time!)  They will not, however, tell me what to do. It is always up to me.

 Recently, as I was preparing the newsletter you are reading now, I was curious about what the angels and guides wanted to share with You on this given day!

My Question:

Angels & Guides, what message would you like to share for this newsletter?

Response: Always in a colored italicized print which doesn’t show here :(

Good evening, Cheryl,

We are overjoyed to come through for you tonight to show your subscribers the level of connection that can be achieved with practice and faith….

We are always around you providing support, strength, and inspiration. We are that gentle voice you hear telling you how smart and talented you are. We are not the louder voice in your head sabotaging your efforts. We speak truth in spite of the levels of news you are exposed to each day. WE want you to know to seek the quiet voice within and you will feel less confused, but more confident.

Be well, dear ones, and call upon us for comfort and support. All is well!

              Love from your guidance team,

Thank you (I always show gratitude after each message.)


Remember…Think of Curiosity as a Gift if you are seeking a deeper meaning or understanding in a certain aspect of your life. By setting the intention to find an answer to one of your life questions, here are suggestions as to ways the Universe/God/Nature may respond to your request.

Possible Sources Of Inspiration By Using An Open Mind and Paying Attention.

*Angel Cards     *Random Article  * Journaling     *Laughter   

*Inspirational Quote     *An Image    * A Walk In Nature      * Yoga  

*Meditation     *Movie/Book     *Some Type of Reaction (i.e. Goosebumps) 

  Dreams          Music   One of my fav’s    *Use what works for you

Enjoy your day and feel INSPIRED!

Wishing you blessings, 




What Is Automatic Spiritual Writing? How I get messages…